These events lead to the foundation of the Starwatch, a space-faring elite division of the Alliance navy with its dedicated academy for promising recruits. Starwatch Academy is set in a distant future where humankind has begun space colonization and experienced initial contact with other races and entities. Extract files from patch to game folder and replace all.įOR PEOPLE WHO JUST WANT TO APPLY THE PATCH TO THEIR COPYĭeveloper: Jaded Dreams – Patreon – Discord – TFGames The PATCH will contain the latest updates and fixes to the game. When the protagonist learns that Arisa and Yuriko are the cause of his unreasonable bullying, he steals the magic hypnotic tool, the music box, and attempts revenge. Kisshouji Arisa, the highest authority in the school, and her secretary, Kuga Yuriko, were planning to sacrifice the protagonist and control the minds of the female students in the school as the owners of the ideology of female honors. Ikenoue Takumi, the protagonist, is the only male student who entered the former prestigious girls’ school, Okyo Gakuen, as a special scholarship student.
Language: English (Intro GPT-4 | Remaining GPT-3.5-Turbo)
Translator: DazedAnon – Patreon – Discord